Monday, May 20, 2013

Ammon Theme for WordPress

Ammon Theme for WordPress - Portfolio Creative

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AMMON is a creative, all in one and very stylish premium WordPress Theme. It has numerous features and lots of sliders for each need.

fully wordpress 3.5 compatible

What clients say

I never leave comments, but just had to chime in and say how much I love this theme. Everything has been pretty intuitive and I got a new site up for a client in just a few days.

Thanks for this wonderful theme that’s full of technology. Two thumbs up ! The same with sexiest graphics (I think about the blog specifically) would be absolutely perfect.

Free install with sample data for new clients

Just send a mail to digitalzoomstudios > gmail with the purchase code and wp-admin / cpanel login of where you want to have the theme setup and our team will install the theme for you ( for themes bought after 17 October 2012 )

Sites powered by Ammon

What do you get in the package

  • Ammon Theme – for WordPress

  • Ammon Child Theme for developer customizations

  • Documentation – and videos to get you started with your site in no time

  • PSD Files – to get you started on mockups

  • Sample Data - preview data is included in order to help you get your site look exactly like in the preview and start your customisations from there in under 5 minutes ( following the demo install video )

  • Lifetime Free Updates - even if the theme will get updated, or it’s value will increase, you will get all updates for free

From 1.5 – with BuddyPress support


  • Portfolio ready.

  • shortcodes generator

  • 960 grid system, witch is based on 12 columns of 60px & 6 modules on a row

  • Unlimited colors

  • Extensive Admin Panel with DZS Drag & Drop Uploader

    • drag & drop footer builder in the admin

    • font chooser for every heading + navigation, with a choice of over 100 fonts for each

    • awesome sliders admin with preview data already included

  • WP3 Drag & Drop Menu enabled

  • translation ready – .mo and .po files included ready for internation

  • 12 types of slideshows that you can insert either in the content via a simple shortcode or in the showcase area ( top area )

    • Full Slider based on Plus Slider

    • Anything Slider with awsome slides

    • Portfolio rotating showcase

    • Parallax Slider based on Plus Slider

    • Interactive Content

    • PieceMaker 3D

    • Static Content

    • Nivo Slider

    • Video Background

    • Phoenix Gallery

  • BONUS: Holiday Page Headers:

    • Christmas Header

    • Easter Header

  • LIVE Comments plugin by Facebook

  • Twitter plugin

  • SEO options on each Post Options & homepage in the Theme Options

  • Google Analytics option in the Theme Options

  • PSD files included

  • Built-in style for Superfish Drop Down Menu

  • Blog page styling

  • 2 Portfolio pages & styling

  • Built-in style for Photo Gallery with automatic thumbnail creation and caching

  • Awsome contact page with Google Map which has personalised MAP PIN

  • Lots of custom pages – Complete suite of About us pages (Company, Team, Historic & Careers)

  • Random Testimonials display

  • internationalization ready – .mo and .po files provided

  • Google Fonts support

  • Built-in style for newsletter module

  • FAQ Page

  • Lots of Built-in css styles

  • Pricing Table & Features Pricing Tables with various colors

  • Tabs, Accordion & Toggles

  • Form styling

  • 2 Homepage styles with/without sidebar

  • 2 types of sitemaps – default & slickmap

  • 4 image shadow types – Automatic sizing & caching

  • Product Page – for shopping cart usage

  • and many more


How to update:

Download the package again from TF, unpack it, open the unpacked folder, go to the theme/ folder, unpack the zip from that folder then just access the ftp and copy the folder over the one you have in wp-content/themes .

If you update by deleting the current theme and installing via zip, it will work but you might lose images uploaded via drag & drop.

UPDATE 2.5 [ 02 / 26 / 2013 ]

  • fixed some bugs
  • added swipe options for plus slider
  • added footer builder options to import / export data
  • added footer builder sample config in previewdata
  • fixed woocommerce thank you page bug

UPDATE 2.4 [ 02 / 14 / 2013 ]

  • fixed some bugs
  • updated timthumb to latest version
  • updated Footer Builder to version 2 – WARNING previous configuration will have to be deleted and a new one must be created

UPDATE 2.34 [ 12 / 22 / 2012 ]

  • fixed a bug with Skin not being customizable in Theme Options
  • fixed a bug with the admin bar not showing

UPDATE 2.33 [ 12 / 22 / 2012 ]

  • fixed a bug where boxes would go blank in Theme Options
  • fixed a bug where skin would not change in Theme Options
  • Reset button in Theme Options now resets to default options ( not empty options )
  • added Disable WordPress Formatting meta checkbox on pages / posts to replace the raw shortcode ( you can enable it back in Theme Options )

UPDATE 2.31 [ 11 / 10 / 2012 ]

  • fixed a fatal bug where theme would go blank after activation

UPDATE 2.3 [ 11 / 1 / 2012 ]

  • added disable swipe on desktops option in the Sliders Admin for links to work on desktops in the Plus Slider
  • removed [raw] shortcode – use Disable WordPress Formatter option in the post meta options
  • updated option panel to version 2 – warning some options might not stick after this upgrade so it’s best to backup
  • added markers option in the post meta – you can have multiple markers on the map

UPDATE 2.25 [ 10 / 05 / 2012 ]

  • fixed some bugs ( responsive check, non responsive menu not dissapearing )
  • added a new, much easier way to add portfolio shortcodes via a button above the editor

UPDATE 2.10 [ 06 / 27 / 2012 ]

  • important – switched ecommerce plugin support – from jigoshop to woocommerce
  • fixed fullwidth slider bugs
  • new Sliders Admin feature – save slider ( saves only the current slider you are editing – because PHP 5.3.9 new changes, max_input_vars has been defaulted to 1000 which may be a problem for the slider admin saving. Considering that each item has around 10 vars, 100 items across all the sliders might break the default limit. So you can either increase the limit from php.ini or use the new feature to save one slider at a time )

UPDATE 2.00 [ 05 / 14 / 2012 ]

  • fixed some bugs

  • improved design – responsive – with two responsive sliders – fullwidth / plus slider and nivo slider

  • added login form box besides social icons and search

  • added google maps retract option ( you can see it in the demo on the contact us page )

  • fullwidth slider now supports swipe events

UPDATE 1.99 [ 05 / 04 / 2012 ]

  • fixed some bugs with theme not installing sample data

  • added option for favicon and apple-touch-icon

UPDATE 1.98 [ 04 / 27 / 2012 ]

  • fixed a bug with swappers not working

  • added option in the post to disable slideshow / showcase area

UPDATE 1.97 [ 04 / 27 / 2012 ]

  • fixed some bugs

  • added some extra breadcrumps functionality – show parent page, show parent category

  • improved page speed

UPDATE 1.93 [ 03 / 12 / 2012 ]

  • fixed some bugs

  • added shortcode possibility inside tabs

UPDATE 1.91 [ 02 / 16 / 2012 ]

  • some bugs fixed

  • added SEO options on each post & google analytics option in the Theme Options

  • each page now has options – including blog, search, category pages – by creating pages with the name “PAGE BLOG” ( for blog ) or “PAGE SEARCH” ( for search ) – and the options will be subtracted from there

UPDATE 1.8 [ 01 / 26 / 2012 ]

  • some bugs fixed

  • Shortcodes Editor now works again

  • Piecemaker now has it’s own admin panel

UPDATE 1.7 [ 01 / 10 / 2012 ]

  • scripts now load only when necessary

  • fixed ie7 ie8 bugs

UPDATE 1.6 [ 12 / 24 / 2011 ]

  • fixed shop category page

  • fixed prettyphoto bug where it would not initiate

  • added link option to plus slider items

  • fixed a Sliders Admin bug

  • added update notifier

UPDATE 1.5.1 [ 12 / 16 / 2011 ]

  • small update fixing the display of ‘ceva’ in the content area ( affected files: plugins/dzs-tpf/tweetplusonefacebook.php )

UPDATE 1.5 [ 12 / 15 / 2011 ]

  • WordPress 3.3 compatibility

  • included BuddyPress support –

  • fixed plusslider / fullslider bugs

  • fixed 404 and search page

  • added breadcrumbs current date ( in the top right ) format selection in the Theme Options ( table reinstall is needed )

  • updated sample data

  • updated documentation

UPDATE 1.4 [ 11 / 25 / 2011 ]

  • included JigoShop eCommerce support –

  • fixed plusslider / fullslider bugs

  • new slider – Wow Slider

  • updated sample data

  • updated documentation

UPDATE 1.3 [ 11 / 18 / 2011 ]

  • fixed google maps header latitude and longitude problem ( request by: all )

  • fixed sliders admin not loading after changes problem ( request by: all ) ( if anyone has any more problems with it, you can send a PM via our profile with wp-admin login and we will fix ASAP )

UPDATE 1.2 [ 11 / 03 / 2011 ]

  • fixed install via zip bug ( not really a bug since ftp is the recommended method of install, but still .. )

  • updated documentation

UPDATE 1.1 [ 11 / 02 / 2011 ]

  • fixed Headline bug

  • internationalization ready – .mo and .po files provided

  • updated documentation

Homepage Explanation

The backend

Easy to add slides drag, drop uploader for sliders.

Drag & Drop Footer Builder – built it your way.

Choose from 100+ fonts for each heading, body and menu.

Customise the colors your way.

2 minutes to install..

..and an extra 3 minutes to make it look like in the preview

Many options for each post individually

( click for full image )


How to backup

You can use a automatic plugin like – – for backing up. Or do it the manual way.

Also, you should do a extra backup your sliders and theme options. For sliders, go to Sliders Admin and open the config and click export button.

please could you let me know what the maximum dimensions for the logo are.

The maximum width is 220. But it can go over that but it might overlay the menu.
Is it possible to change the background color from white?

Go to Theme Options > Extra CSS and write

#container {
background: #000;

How can i create a Blog page with all my post like this page? Like

1. Access your WP Dashboard. Create a new page. Access Settings > Reading. Choose the Posts Page as your newly created page.

OR 2. Access your WP Dashboard. Create a new page. Add the [blog] shortcode inside.

Could you please tell me how to edit the google maps section to an address of my choice and the we are here tag. Thank you

Hey – the default location is in Theme Options

The individual options for each post is in every post options Ammon Post Options

You can edit the HERE WE ARE image from the images/marker-images folder

How to add Google Analytics to Wordpress AMMON template

ADVANCED / NOT RECOMMENDED: You can manually add the code inside the the <head> tag of the theme ( header.php )

RECOMMENDED – install the “Google Analytics” plugin

Btw how can I remove the Author Name on the Portfolio?

Go to Theme Options > Extra CSS and write

.single-dzs_portfolio .post-author { display:none; }

How I can to change background color at all or several pages? I don’t wan white background at all pages! Unfortunately I don’t can to find proper codes in files.

All Pages

Go to Appearance > Theme Options and in the Extra CSS tab write

#container {
background-color: #111111;

Single Post / Page

Write this inside the post / page

#container {
background-color: #111111;

Can I select from which categories show posts on page BLOG ?

(for example I need to show only posts from category Food)

Go to Appearance > Menus and in the far bottom you will see Categories Menu, add whatever category you want to the main menu, then Save.

the Slider Piecemaker 3d does not work.

  • Make sure you have the xml and css on your server / domain

  • Make sure the xml is formatted correctly

  • Make sure you have the images on your server / domain

how can i make it so the entire blog post shows up without having to click read more or the post title ?

Just enable Excerpt field from the Custom Fields area ( more information here ), copy the content from your content area and paste it in the newly enabled excerpt field. Then click Update, all done.

How can I add a slide with CSS text on top

In the Sliders Admin, you select Phoenix Gallery as the type, then add a new slide, then select inline as the Type for that item, then copy paste this code

That’s all, you can use simple css to configure this.

Where can I get the shortcodes for the ‘Call to Action’ buttons that are on the demo site?

SHORTCODE – [button class=”medium-button green” link=””]more[/button]

HTML – medium-button green ( without the spaces )

Everything works fine, but i want to know if it’s possible to open the first item of the accordion/toggle when the page loads.

Insert this script anywhere in the post / page

<script>jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery('.toggle-title').eq(0).trigger('click'); });</script>

i also changed the Full width container so my twiiter will show but its just blank now [twitter_full id=”Vivedesigns”]

Try [twitter_full id=Vivedesigns] ( without the quotes )

I’d like to insert the Ammon Contact Form in my ‘contact page’, but i don’t know how…
Can someone help me ?

If you want only the contact form, insert this: [contactform]
If you want your contact page to look exactly as the demo, insert this:

<div class="grid_6 alpha">[raw]
<div class="grid_6 omega">
<h3 class="right-outline">GET IN TOUCH WITH US</h3>
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

<strong>Address:</strong> Street Address nr 100, 4536534, Your Town, United States

<strong>Phone:</strong> (212) 555 55 00



How to change the Here we are text on the map

The PSD for that is in psd/psd elements/marker-image.psd

The image that needs replaced is in images/marker-images

I bought this template but i have a lot of dificult to create similar pages to preview. I would like to known if is possible to share, or send email, with description of main and contact pages.

You will find all the pages and posts ready for import in the main package in the previewdata folder. It’s the xml from there. You just have to import it via Tools > Import from your WP admin.

Even made a video here ->

What are the size dimensions for pictures in the Sortable Gallery

You can modify the size dimensions for pictures in the Sortable Gallery from the WP Dashboard > Portfolio Items > Settings > Thumb Width / Height

I have installed and configured the theme. In your theme, there is a page called “Interactive Content”, but i don`t find it when I import the xml with your configuration.

That is a handled by Sliders Admin. You go to that page, click Add Slider, then in the newly created slider, you choose Interactive Content as the Type, then you go ahead and complete the blocks with content.
I know how to enavle and disable the color changer. But after I pick a color how to I get it to stay there and disable to changer? As soon as I disable it it reverts back to the default?!

In Theme Options > Skinning , mark Theme Skin to Custom

…can I add a right sidebar on the frontpage? Is the frontpage easy to customize under the slider? Thanks and good luck.

Sure, you can add any sidebar in the content.

You can select a sidebar and layout for each post / page individually ( as seen in the post options picture above )

Love the theme so far, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to add a slider to the homepage.

No problem, made a video here:

I cannot find the coding for the static content slider? Can you please provide the code you used in the demo for the static content slider?

You select the Type to Inline and write this code in the Inline Content field : 

<div class=”static_content”><div class=”sc-container”> <div class=”video-container alignleft”> <object width=”540” height=”360”><param name=”allowfullscreen” value=”true” /><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent” /><param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /><param name=”movie” value=”” /><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” wmode=”transparent” width=”540” height=”360”></embed></object> </div> <div class=”details”> <h2>STATIC CONTENT</h2> <p>Aliquam vehicula purus quis massa eleifend feugiat. Suspendisse potenti. In lacus justo, malesuada nec interdum id, facilisis quis tortor. Donec velit mi, ornare eget hendrerit non, feugiat sit amet libero. Vivamus dapibus, nibh luctus consectetur posuere, ligula tellus sagittis felis, ac sollicitudin massa odio vitae massa. Nunc elit mi, semper eu pulvinar malesuada, tincidunt in arcu. Etiam sed ligula urna, sed fringilla diam. </p> <h4>ANOTHER TAG HERE</h4> <a href=”#” class=”medium-button blue”>Buy now!!</a>   <a href=”#” class=”medium-button green”>Another action</a> </div> </div></div>

How do I add photos to the media gallery as per your live preview?

[tgallery id=”“] ... what do i put here?

And how do i add photos to the gallery?

You create the gallery in the Sliders Admin ( thumb gallery type ), enter an id add your photos, then in the post / page you want to add the gallery id you just enter this shortcode [tgallery id=”theidyousetintheadmin”]

Can you please tell me how to add a youtube video as a video background in the sliders admin

Create a new slider with INLINE as the TYPE

And paste the youtube video embed code there

The demo site makes mention of the “sidebar shortcode” but it is not in the documentation. Can you give an example of its use?

[sidebar id=”footer1”]

footer1 – footer4


[sidebar id=”blog-sidebar”]

Or if you go to Widgets area and expand Custom Sidebar 1 for example, it will give you exactly the code you need

Hi, Great theme. I am trying to customize the showcase background area. Can you tell me how to add my own repeat bg pattern? Thanks

Go to Appearance > Theme Options and in the Extra CSS tab write:

.showcase {
background: url("../images/bg-slider.png") repeat-x scroll center top #111;

Replace ../images/bg-slider.png with your own pattern or image.

How do you change the pop up google map at the bottom of the webpage (in the contents widget, with We on maps).

You go to Theme Options > Google Maps and change default latitude and longitude to the coordinates that you wish. You can also change them individually on each page / post via the Abrax Post Settings. If you check Enable Google Maps in there, the google map will appear on top of the post like in the demo, on the contact page. If not, it will stay hidden on bottom, but with the coordinates you give there.

I need to have nine menu buttons but when I do this they spread out and overlap with my logo. Is there a way to have two rows of menu butons? If so how do I do it. Also how do I position my logo further over to the left in the header?

Two rows of menu items > Go to Theme Options > Extra CSS and write

#header {
width: 300px;

For placing the logo further to the left

#logo {
left: -30px;

Is it possible to use the blog without the sidebar? Ive tried setting my blog page to the full width template but its not working.

Just create a new fullwidth page and add the [blog] shortcode to the content

That should be all

I need to edit the CSS of the footer independently of the header and do the same with link colors and H tags, etc. What is the best way to do this?

Firstly, it’s recommended to add your extra CSS inside THEME OPTIONS > EXTRA CSS so that options are preserved in future updates.

You can target the footer very easily by adding .bottom in front of every tag you want to edit

for example

.bottom a { color:#392922; }

HTML Version

Many thanks to


  • Maven Pro Font

  • Carto Gothic


  • 16px Social Media Bookmark Icon



  • Several images are from










  • Images are not redistributable and they are used in this theme only serving as demo content.

Plugins used:

  • Plus Slider –

  • NivoSlider –

  • Wow Slider –

  • Anything Slider –

  • Roundabout for jQuery –

  • Colorbox –

  • jQuery Parallax –

  • Superfish Menu –

  • jQuery LiveQuery –

  • Infield Labels –

  • Twitter plugin –

  • Flickr Feed –

  • Detect Browser (jquery.detectbrowser.js) – adds a class into body tag, eg: For Chrome – chromeBrowser, Firefox – firefoxBrowser, IE – browserIE, IE7 – browserIE browserIE7 etc

  • Quovolver – Used for displaying testimonials –

  • TinyCarousel –

  • TipTip –

  • Jquery Top Link –

  • Redirect if mobile –

  • Slickmap sitemap –

  • Piecemaker 3D – Awesome 3D image slider

  • Awesome Animated text and icon menu with jQuery Tutorial –

Thank you ThemeForest!

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