Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bloora Template for Joomla

Bloora Template for Joomla - Joomla CMS Themes

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BLOORA is an awsome template for Joomla version 2.5, based on the powerfull Gantry Framework.


  • Gantry Framework used, simple to use and powerful

  • Light and Dark theme

  • Unlimited background colors and combinations!

  • 69 modules positions or various combinations

  • 3 Diffrent Sliders:

    • Plus Slider with beautiful Parallax Effect

    • Nivo Slider

    • Wow Slider

  • Portfolio Component with awsome tabs effects

  • Blog section

  • Photo Gallery

  • FAQ Section

  • 404 Page redesign

  • Google map on contact page with personalised PIN

  • Google Fonts support

  • Newsletter component

  • Quick install

  • PSD Files included (slides also)

  • 960px grid system

  • Built in styles

  • & many others

Many thanks to

  • Icons:

    - Bookmark Social Icons

  • Fonts:

    - Yanone Kaffeesatz font

    - Codefont

  • Components:

    - Gantry Framework – Just powerfull

    - AcyMailing – Newsletter manager

    - JCE Administration component – Powerful content editor for Joomla

    - V-Portfolio component – Powerfull component


    - Nivo Slider – Slideshow alternative

    - Google Map- Module used to display Google Maps in Contact page

    - Tweet Display Back - Twitter feed display

    - News Show Pro GK4 – Powerfull news slider. Used in Bloora for Latest Posts module and Testimonials module.

    - Rapid contact – Contact form module.

    - Simple Image Gallery – Plugin for photo gallery.

    - Social Media Icon Links – social icons display

    - Plus Slider – developed in jQuery by Jamy Golden, transformed into a joomla module by me also adapted the Parallax effect.

    - Wow Slider – beautiful jQuery slider, transformed into a joomla module by me.

  • Images:

    - – Free stock images
    - Images from the slides are from
    - Images from portfolio are from

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