Friday, May 24, 2013

Endless - Infinite scrolling WordPress Theme

Endless - Infinite scrolling WordPress Theme - Blog / Magazine WordPress

Endless is a clean and stylish infinite scrolling theme, perfect for bloggers and storytellers. We’ve delicately put together some awesome HTML5 mixed in some CSS3 and added a bit of jQuery on top to make this beautiful theme just for you.

Free Fully Customizable Retro Badges Included

As we are super nice at Sneek we have decided to throw in 3 fully customizable retro badges for you to use. These are made with with 100% photoshop shapes & vectors making them perfect to edit and use within your site.

All Features

  • Infinite Scrolling

  • Super lightweight (Less that 350kb zipped!!)

  • 3 Blog Templates (Facebook style staggered, Big and Chunky, Plain ol’ blog style)

  • Ajax Contact Form with frontend & server side validation

  • Includes 3 fully customizable retro badges

  • Custom Twitter Widget theme styled

  • Custom Category dropdown widget

  • Link colour chooser

  • Elegant Custom Slider

  • Slider Custom Post Type (Add a different slider category to any page, post or portfolio item)

  • Portfolio Custom Post Type (Includes meta information for customization)

  • Contact Page Template

  • Portfolio Page Template

  • Social Media Icon Management

  • Semantic, clean and valid HTML5 /CSS3 (We take pride in creating pretty code for you)

  • Unbranded theme options

  • Easy logo replacement

  • Multi level slide out menu

  • Portfolio Management

  • Looks beautiful in all modern browser

  • Gracefully degrades to IE7

  • Comments with reply functionality (multi-level) check them out here

  • Print ready Stylesheet

  • Translation Files - Gives you the ability to translate the theme into your native language.

Need Support?

Firstly, thank you very much for purchasing our very first theme. We really do appreciate it and hope that you enjoy it. If you would like any support with this theme please ask via our support forums ( We will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.


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