Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bliss | Personal Minimalist Wordpress Blog Theme

Bliss | Personal Minimalist Wordpress Blog Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

v2.3 is out! ( 30.10.2013 )

Bliss is a fantastic, responsive theme designed to make your blogging experience as simple and seamless as possible. With superb visual design and great support for mobile and tablet devices you can easily reach all your readers wherever they are!

Bliss has 10 custom widgets most directed at social media (facebook, twitter, instagram and more), 10+ specially made shortcodes and a customizable theme options panel.

Purchasing this product means you get our full support as well, we love helping out our customers and can’t wait for your inquiries and feedback!

This theme is WordPress 3.7 compatible

Why Buy Bliss?

Features List

  • Beautiful Design
  • Fully Responsive
  • 10 Custom Widgets
  • Premium Customer Support
  • Unlimited Color Variations
  • 600+ Fonts at your disposal
  • Bliss is Translatable
  • Image, Video, Quote formats and more!
  • Custom bootstrap shortcodes plug-in!
  • Forward Theme Compatible
  • Detailed Documentation
  • 250+ Fontello Icons
  • Cross Browser Compatible


v2.3 (30.10.2013)
  • Added: Option to upload custom avatar in author box
  • Added: Option to change the featured tag in Theme Options
  • Added: Dropdown parent now clickable when “on hover” is enabled
  • Added: Italian translation included by Michele Bugliaro Goggia
  • Added: Enabled HTML in footer text
  • Fixed: Page sometimes overflowing to the right in Chrome
  • Fixed: Facebook comments not working in WordPress 3.7
  • Fixed: Header Logo sometimes getting squashed in Safari & Chrome
  • Fixed: Various CSS fixes
v2.2 (04.10.2013)
  • Added: Apple touch icon uploader
  • Added: Option to change the font size & line height in Theme Options
  • Added: Option to deactivate individual share buttons on posts & pages
  • Added: Option to see year of post in post information
  • Fixed: Twitter status styling
  • Fixed: Javascript error when fixed header is checked.
v2.1 (25.09.2013)
  • Added: Featured Box – Popular Posts option
  • Added: Featured Box – Enable Showing Excerpt
  • Added: Author Page
  • Added: Favicon uploader
  • Changed: Excerpt now shows up in two column layout
  • Fix: Child-Theme javascript admin panel problems ( in Theme Options )
  • Fix: Audio post player overflowing title if there’s no featured image.
  • Fix: Content popping down when large header is active
  • Fix: The ”-” now only displays if there’s a name for the quote post
  • Fix: Some Google structured data warnings
  • Fix: Background image in meta data in single view ( when post is shared )
  • Fix: iframes not appearing correctly in posts
  • Fix: Various CSS Fixes
  • Fix: Facebook and twitter feed in two-column layout
v2.02 (14.09.2013)
  • Added: Option to remove the background from links in posts
  • Fix: Some header CSS
  • Fix: Header image not showing up correctly in mobile
  • Fix: Instagram widget not always working correctly in some cases
  • Fix: Instagram widget showing up in multiple rows in some cases
  • Fix: Continue Reading text showing up in the header of some pages
  • Fix: Mobile menu not displaying the correct menu in some cases
  • Fix: Header logo getting squashed when large in some mobile phones
  • Fix: Footer font color now works correctly
v2.01 (12.09.2013)
  • Added: Google+ Badge Widget
  • Added: Google+ Status Posts
  • Changed: Arrows are now displayed on gallery posts
  • Fix: Shared Buttons not appearing correctly in the footer of Quote Posts
  • Fix: Removed pingbacks showing up in Bluth Tabs widget
  • Fix: Tags showing up in the meta-top
  • Fix: Removed the constant [...] in excerpt and replaced it with the language string
  • Fix: Facebook comments not showing up if there were no comments on the post
Bluthcodes plugin ( v1.04 )
  • Added: A Tab shortcode
  • Fix: Fixed the syntax highlighting shortcode
v2.0 (06.09.2013)
  • Added: Detailed header modifications including an image background option
  • Added: Child-theme support
  • Added: Custom category dropdown list widget
  • Added: Option to disable cropping of featured images
  • Added: Authors image shows up on the front page and links to the authors articles ( optionable )
  • Added: Option to change Facebook and Twitter icons
  • Added: Feature Box: Featured Video Posts now displays the featured video
  • Added: Feature Box: Optionable slider ( multiple featured posts )
  • Added: Support for JetPack Gallery lightbox
  • Added: Now includex XML file
  • Added: Retina support in documentation
  • Fix: Safari & Chrome issues
  • Fix: Background image now maintains aspect ratio
  • Fix: Manual Excerpt problem in audio & video posts
  • Fix: Badges in custom categories widget not appearing correctly
  • Fix: Added the option to enable lightbox in two-column blog layout.
  • Fix: “Permalink To..” text removed from two-column blog layout
  • Fix: Images not floating/scaling correctly in posts due to lightbox
  • Fix: Thickbox not loading correctly in the Admin Panel in few cases.
v1.2 (29.08.2013)
  • Added: Option to enable navigation hover
  • Added: Wordpress Gallery now appears in a lightbox if linked to media
  • Added: Support for third layer of navigation
  • Added: Bluth Tabs Widget – Tags now sort after most used tags
  • Added: Option to enable the share links on front-page, posts or pages
  • Changed: Re-arranged some options in Theme Options
  • Fix: Search box overflow in menu
  • Fix: Links appearing white in standard posts
  • Fix: Sidebar not showing up on some posts
  • Fix: Social Media buttons not appearing correctly in mobile in some instances
  • Fix: Navigation Line not working when sticky header is deactivated
  • Fix: Lightbox appearing below menu
  • Fix: Minor CSS Fixes
v1.12 (27.08.2013)
  • Fix: Bluth Newsletter and Bluth Author not working properly
v1.11 (27.08.2013)
  • Added: Gallery images now open in lightbox if not linked to attachment page
  • Added: support in widget and header
  • Added: Option to disable the blog description in header
  • Changed: Page title with featured image now appears on top of image
  • Fix: Color option for post headings not working correctly
  • Fix: 404 Page styling issues
  • Fix: Uploads in custom widgets not working correctly
  • Fix: Bluth tabs header margin issue
  • Fix: Missing language string in the searchform and 404 page
  • Fix: Page flickering on some mobile devices
v1.1 (26.08.2013)
  • Added: Status Post Format, Twitter and Facebook status support.
  • Added: Featured Post widget
  • Added: Option to add comments on pages
  • Added: Option to remove Next / Previous links in posts
  • Added: Option to open the featured image in a lightbox
  • Added: (BluthCodes plug-in) Custom dropcap background color
  • Added: Bluth Tabs, can now select number of Tags to show.
  • Added: Fontello Icon list in Documentation
  • Fix: Some iPad and iPhone devices crashing on load
  • Fix: Instagram widget showing 2 pictures on some occasions
  • Fix: Mobile menu not working on some devices
  • Fix: Share and tags in Quote post format now display more efficiently
  • Fix: Checkbox for custom colors, and font customizer not working for everybody.
  • Fix: Continue Reading text now displays with the correct background.
  • Fix: Post excerpt showing up in single view on some occasions.
  • Fix: Header link not active on some mobile devices.
v1.02 (23.08.2013)
  • Fixed: A problem with the header image in RTL mode
v1.01 (22.08.2013)
  • Added: RTL Support
  • Fixed: Minor CSS fixes and clean-ups
  • Fixed: Search bar now focuses when activated
  • Fixed: Link background
  • Fixed: Image box image overflow
v1.0 (22.08.2013)
  • Initial release

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