Sunday, November 17, 2013

Orchestra - Resposive Symphony CMS Theme

Orchestra - Resposive Symphony CMS Theme - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous

Here’s Orchestra, a simple and easy to use theme ensemble for Symphony CMS, it rocks a responsive grid & hence moulds to cater to your viewers across devices.

It’s built on the latest Bootstrap v3.0.0, takes advantage of FlexSlider’s mobile friendly implementation to give your site a featured slider that is touch friendly on mobile devices.

Loaded with a sortable Portfolio section based on configurable categories, a super easy to use map for your contact page (just enter your address in plain english in the admin) & Font Awesome icons for all your icon needs.


  • Responsive design
  • Mobile friendly slider with touch swipe.
  • Sortable portfolio
  • Easy to use map on contact page
  • Layered PSD included
  • CSS3 animations
  • Bootstrap v3.0.0


  1. Flexslider — A mobile friendly jquery slider from Woothemes
  2. gMap — jQuery plugin used to render and plot address on embedded google maps.
  3. Mixitup — jQuery filtering plugin used on portfolio page
  4. Responsive Nav — jQuery plugin used to render and plot address on embedded google maps.
  5. Bootstrap v3.0.0 — The new flat version of the popular bootstrap framework.
  6. Font Awesome — Scalable vector icons for bootstrap.
  7. Oveth Martinez & Sancho McCann for images.

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